11/27/2024 / By Lance D Johnson
It might feel that the era of lockdowns and medical tyranny are behind us, but world leaders think otherwise. In fact, members of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations view pandemic lockdowns as a “practice run” for future “climate lockdowns.”
These individuals, who believe they can rule over the population and dictate people’s lives, claim that global lockdowns were “positive” for the environment because carbon emissions fell 5.4% during periods of inactivity. To achieve Net Zero carbon emissions and prevent the world from going off a “carbon cliff” by 2030, these globalists suggest the need for intermittent lockdowns and other, more discreet economic and energy controls to save the planet and protect us all from global catastrophe. However, these global plans are really just veiled wealth transfer schemes that threaten human rights, the rule of law, energy independence, national food sovereignty and the progress and growth of civilization.
The COVID lockdowns were eventually exposed as a catastrophic failure, accomplishing nothing in terms of protecting public health, while wreaking havoc on economies worldwide. Yet, it is now clear that the pandemic’s restrictions were never truly about public health at all. Rather, they were a means to test the waters for broader control over economies, food, energy, family size, civil liberties and personal freedoms.
Take, for example, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has openly suggested that, in order to meet global climate goals, economic activity and carbon emissions must be restricted far more aggressively than during the “pandemic.” The IMF’s calls for global climate action make it clear: the path to “net zero” emissions may not come through direct lockdowns, but through imposing stealth lockdowns through carbon taxes. These subversive actions will also curb economic activity without ever formally shutting down industries.
These carbon taxes would be akin to raising interest rates in an inflationary economy — punitive measures that ultimately lead to reduced economic output. The effects of such an indirect economic shutdown would be devastating, particularly for developed nations. Energy shortages, food insecurity, widespread job losses and economic collapse would follow, with the Western world bearing the brunt. But the real goal is clear: a forced reduction in consumption and economic activity, leading to further restrictions in family growth, with the ultimate aim of redistributing wealth to the global elite.
Mariana Mazzucato, who serves on the United Nations’ High-Level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs and as chair of the World Health Organization’s Council on the Economics of Health for All, openly floated the concept of climate lockdowns as a necessary measure to fight global warming. Mazzucato, also an Agenda Contributor to the WEF, proposed draconian restrictions to human activity, such as banning private vehicle use, outlawing the consumption of red meat, and enforcing extreme energy-saving measures. She argued that fossil fuel companies should cease drilling altogether. She justifies this centrally-controlled chaos by claiming that a climate catastrophe is imminent unless “drastic” action is taken.
By using climate fear propaganda to dominate the world, global leaders inadvertently provide insight into the central planning behind COVID-19. Manufacturing a crisis requires persistent terror and propaganda and an appeal to central government control as the solution to the manufactured crisis.
COVID-19 lockdowns wrought economic upheaval that led to mass job losses, and caused severe disruptions in supply chains. A massive wealth transfer took place during the hysteria. Populations were left scrambling for toilet paper, choking on their air and begging central authority figures for their freedom to come out of their own homes. The economic aftermath was a stagflationary crisis that many continue to suffer from today. During these manufactured crises, the global elite were not just toying with ideas of public health and safety, but rather acclimating the public to an increasingly authoritarian state where freedoms and personal choices are subordinated to globalist objectives.
These lockdowns were merely a template for future climate lockdowns. In her own words, Mazzucato declared that the crises of climate change, health and the economy are interconnected. The goal of this interconnected “crisis”: a global overhaul of economic structures and a radical departure from capitalism, with climate lockdowns and carbon taxes as one of the primary tools. Under this totalitarian vision, social punishment would be imposed on populations deemed unwilling to reduce their carbon output.
What becomes increasingly evident is that the climate agenda, with its calls for carbon taxes, economic restrictions and drastic social measures, is less about environmental protection and more about centralizing wealth and control. The IMF and other globalist institutions are not concerned with saving the planet — they are focused on reshaping the global economy and redistributing wealth in a way that consolidates power into the hands of a few elite organizations.
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Tagged Under:
carbon taxes, central government, Climate, climate lockdowns, control, deep state, economic restrictions, energy controls, energy independence, family size, farming controls, fear mongering, globalists, IMF, Liberty, lockdown test, mass psychosis, meat restrictions, money supply, propaganda, terror, totalitarianism, Tyranny, UN, wealth transfer, wef, WHO
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