Radical leftist groups have threatened to greatly escalate their counter-protest tactics after descending on Charlottesville, Virginia, recently to engage in …
Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? …
Somebody, somewhere is busy rallying the troops of radical leftist terror in the United States, which is taking on a …
For months Democrats and their allies in the “mainstream” media have denied reports that many Alt-Left terrorists who use violence …
In a remarkably prophetic report, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis issued a warning to Virginia …
In recent days something very unexpected happened: The usually disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media began honestly covering the Alt-Left group “Antifa,” …
The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) identifies itself as “a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in …
The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives. (Article by Jim Hoft republished from Thegatewaypundit.com) Of course, you …
We’ve been told for several years now that the Democratic Party is the party of compassion, love and acceptance. They’ve …