There is a strong case to be made that the censorship of conservative voices across the Internet happens more frequently …
For years, the progressive left has been engaged in an all-out war on the freedom of speech. But the reason …
Beyond the politics, liberals really are no different than schoolyard bullies that get high off of pushing others around. They …
Earlier this month, a Google employee by the name of James Damore was fired after he published a ten-page manifesto …
It’s hard to believe that anyone would support tyranny over liberty, but sadly, millions of Americans across the country do. …
A tech reporter claimed Thursday that Google uses its power to censor the internet, alleging that the company pressured her …
In case you haven’t noticed all the censorship recently, Google has become a rampaging monster of Orwellian oppression, intimidation and …
With each passing day, it becomes harder and harder to deny the fact that political censorship has become commonplace in …
Given the amount of political and ideological censorship that takes place on the Internet nowadays, one has to question whether …
A well-known and highly-cited professor of statistics has issued a public letter of outrage and concern over disturbing actions recently …