News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine passports are a TRAP that sets the stage for Communism rollout across America
A popular trap for catching animals uses the foot hold design, where the animal steps in it and the trap grabs it by the foot and holds it indefinitely. It’s a live catch trap also known as a restraining trap because it captures the animal and restrains it for as long as needed. The trap […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL BIGOTRY: Racist doctors in Boston push to deny healthcare services to White people, based entirely on the color of their skin
Because White people had Black slaves in America over 160 years ago, all White people in America now must pay for it, in the form of sacrificing their healthcare, according to a couple of racist doctors in Boston. That makes a whole lot of sense. By that logic, that should also mean that all Egyptians […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine Passports already a TOTAL FLOP in New York
The Nazi-style “show me your papers” vaccine passport program recently rolled out in New York is an epic fail already, and it smacks of the Obamacare boondoggles that they called the Death Spiral. Current consumers (sheeple) are complaining already that the app is riddled with problems and can’t find your records, and that’s because local, […]
By S.D. Wells
Coca Cola says: Be less White
Are you too white? How white is your skin? Is it white-white, light-white, medium-white, eggshell, beige or “other?” How white do you act? Do you walk around town or the office with too much confidence, singing “born white, born proud?” Do you have the gumption to totally believe in things? If you’re too white and […]
By S.D. Wells
Do you STILL support Black Lives Matter after seeing Ohio’s BLM representative Isaiah Jackson crushing a white baby’s neck to make a statement?
Deputies, police and medics were called to investigate two Clark County Black men who used a white baby as a prop for their George Floyd’s revenge social media post, one man bounding the baby’s arms behind its back while prone, and the other kneeling on the back of the baby’s neck while it screams in […]
By S.D. Wells
Cisco Systems is “all in” for Black Lives Matter-led TERRORISM and you’re fired if your opinions are any different, according to CEO Chuck Robbins
Cisco Systems calls having an opinion “inappropriate conduct,” and you get fired on the spot should you criticize Black Lives Matter terrorists who are murdering and raping innocent people, including Blacks, while destroying and burning businesses and police precincts all over America. That’s right, Cisco Systems squelches free speech for its 30,000 employees while calling […]
By S.D. Wells
Corporate America now FUNDING open terrorism across America with money funneling to Black Lives Matter extremists
Corporations first formed in America in the 1790s, quickly rising to be the fulcrum of the economy. Corporations grew to play a major role in the political identity of the country, through the Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age. Then came World War II, and America would never be the same again. Corporations processed food […]
By S.D. Wells
Top Democrat politicians kneel for George Floyd while wearing African garb that symbolizes the selling of African slaves to elitist European Whites
Well, we’ve seen it ALL now. The Black-hating Democrat leaders went to Party City and bought themselves some Kunta Kinte garb to bow down for the death of a guy who was not African American, but born in Cumberland County, North Carolina. This is beyond pandering, folks. This is highly disrespectful to every black person […]
By S.D. Wells
Involuntary Socialism has been INVOKED in America by the “DCSG” Democrat Communist Socialist Governors
If you didn’t notice yet, we are living under socialist order in the blue states dictated by communist governors. All signs of the new world order are apparent, and if you don’t believe it, visit just about any U.S. state where the governor is a Democrat, and nobody even voted for it yet. Well, they […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 ways Democrats plan to STEAL the 2020 POTUS election using mail-in ballots
Joe Biden may be the most pathetic U.S. Presidential candidate in history, and that’s saying a lot following two Hillary Clinton failed attempts. There’s simply no way for the Democrats to win the states where Trump won all of those electoral college votes that won him the election in a landslide in 2016 – unless […]
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