News & Articles By News Editors
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Feds colluded with big banks to spy on Americans’ financial transactions
The federal government conducted “broad” surveillance of the private financial transactions of millions of Americans “without legal process” in the wake of events that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, according to a report issued Wednesday by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. (Article by Brenda Baletti, […]
By News Editors
Jen Psaki, ex-Biden press secretary who boasted about Facebook speech flagging, to host First Amendment awards
The US Constitution’s First Amendment has become a very hot topic over the last years, considering that its goal is to protect citizens’ right to free speech. (Article by Didi Rankovic republished from ReclaimTheNet.org) Coincidence? Either way – serious issues connected to this pivotal piece of democratic legislation have now reached the Supreme Court in […]
By News Editors
Something huge planned for New York in the days ahead as they ‘normalize police state control’ over the people and bring in ‘re-education camps’ for firefighters expressing their opinions
While according to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, the hundreds of New York National Guard members that she’ll be sending into the New York Subway systems will be to ‘help fight crime’ in that crime-ridden city as of late, as this story over at Defiant America reports, there are also alarming rumors that Hamas is targeting the subways there, hence […]
By News Editors
Alex Jones: DOJ is weeks from ‘shutting down’ InfoWars, ‘we are going to defeat this… If I got to get hurt to get that done, it’s an honor’
Embattled Infowars founder Alex Jones warns the Justice Department is attempting to put him in prison and shut down the Infowars network, cautioning viewers the move can happen any day now. (Article by Alice Powe republished from TheGatewayPundit.com) Jones said he refrained from publicly disclosing the extent he and his family have been persistently probed and intimidated by federal […]
By News Editors
The real Victoria Nuland: US foreign policy official retires after decades of fomenting conflict and destruction
Victoria Nuland has played a pivotal role in both constructing and executing American foreign policy over the last few decades, wreaking havoc every step of the way. (Article by Jordan Schachtel republished from Dossier.today) On Tuesday, the State Department announced that she will be retiring from her role “in the coming weeks.” “Toria’s tenure caps three and a half […]
By News Editors
Western governments have declared open season on their White citizens
Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world. It is happening in some countries faster than in others. Although women in Sweden and Norway do not have the same recourse to law when they are raped by immigrant-invaders as they have if raped by white Scandinavian men, it is in Great […]
By News Editors
Canada moves to ban Christianity – changes to bill C-367
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has passed numerous pieces of legislation prohibiting free speech in Canada, yet nothing has been as restrictive as Bill C-367, an amendment to the Criminal Code that will prohibit Canadians from expressing “an opinion based on a belief in a religious text. If passed, people can be arrested for quoting […]
By News Editors
Unhinged liberal media pundits melt down over lawfare failures against Trump, preparing their followers to riot
Has anyone else noticed the Antifa protest magically eased after the 2020 George Floyd riots, almost as if the moment Joe Biden began occupying the White House, Antifa groups decided to stop attacking free speech events, no more lighting buildings on fire, vandalizing small businesses, or any of the other dozens of illegal activities they made […]
By News Editors
Disturbing warnings of dangers to come as globalists prepare to take down the internet, allowing them to rewrite history, while ‘criminal invaders’ are set loose across America
With ‘Super Tuesday’ now over and Donald Trump cementing his position as the Republican party nominee in November, (short of something drastic and horrific being carried out by Democrats or their ‘agents of terror’ they’ve allowed to come stampeding in,) all of the recent internet outages we’ve been witnessing over the past several months, including Facebook, Instagram and […]
By News Editors
Zuckerberg’s Meta releases new censorship unit for upcoming elections
The company run by Mark “I-Was-Human” Zuckerberg is now creating a censorship unit for upcoming elections. (Article by M Winger republished from WLTReport.com) Meta, previously Facebook, claims it wants to protect the elections from ‘misinformation’. And what do liberals use as an excuse to enforce censorship of wrongthought? That it’s for our safety, that harm, […]
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