Saturday, May 27, 2017 by JD Heyes
For nearly a year and, some believe, much longer, the FBI has been investigating alleged “links” and “collusion” between associates of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.
To date, nothing has been found: Not one shred of evidence, certainly no proof, and there have been no charges filed.
In fact, for a brief moment of sanity, even The New York Times admitted as much — that the Trump-Russia collusion/cooperation/infiltration story is a big, fat nothing burger. On Halloween Day last fall, in fact — no doubt flush with confidence that Hillary Clinton was going to steamroll Trump in a little more than a week’s time — the Times published the following, in what may have been the paper’s last honest reporting on this non-issue:
Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump [emphasis added].
Again, at the time the paper’s reporters and editors were all-in with Clinton and believed she was going to win. It was only after Trump won on Nov. 8 did the Times — along with the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Politico and the rest of the “establishment media” reversed course and began pushing the phony-baloney Russia-Trump connection. (RELATED: The New York Times continues to COMPROMISE national security by publishing details of private conversations Trump has with foreign dignitaries)
In the months since the election and the discredited press’ U-turn on the truth, the narrative continues to be advanced, mostly under the guise of anonymous and unsubstantiated “leaks” from Deep State types, disgruntled White House operatives and officials and others with an anti-Trump ax to grind.
Still no proof. Still no evidence. Still no arrests. Still no convictions.
Just allegation after allegation, supposition after supposition, innuendo after innuendo. And yet, in the court of public opinion, how many Trump allies, supporters, current and former administration officials have already been ‘convicted?’
Bloomberg View columnist Eli Lake is one of a very few number of “mainstream” media journalists willing to take on this issue and speak frankly and honestly about it. In a recent column, he notes that Trump allies have been “convicted of high crimes without a trial.”
Noting that many in the lamestream and entertainment media have been joking about Trump’s former national security advisor, retired three-star Army general and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Michael Flynn, who may or may not have been dishonest with the Trump administration about conversations he may have had with Russian counterparts before Inauguration Day. Such as, writes Lake:
Don’t miss this exchange in the New Yorker last month with former acting attorney general Sally Yates. Reporter Ryan Lizza asked Yates about how she informed the White House counsel that Flynn had lied to his colleagues about his monitored conversations with the Russian ambassador. “You didn’t just text, ‘Heads-up, your N.S.A. might be a spy’?” Lizza asked. Yates quipped: “Is there an emoji for that?”
Ha, ha. So funny.
Lake notes that if there was treasonous behavior — and so far, no one’s been able to come up with any — that is a very serious matter not to be taken lightly. But more than that, he notes that Flynn’s name has been dragged through the mud so often now there’s no way he’ll ever recover from it. (RELATED: Top Dems admitting now there is NO evidence of Trump-Russia collusion)
And again, he hasn’t been charged or convicted of anything.
Just this week the pathetic New York Times, the regular purveyor of fake news and anti-Trump aspersion, ran another story about the many ways Flynn could have run afoul of the law, namely, his acceptance of payments from Russian and Dutch companies when he wasn’t legally permitted to do so.
No charges yet, mind you, but that doesn’t stop the Times from relentless insinuation.
“After all, Flynn has yet to be charged with a crime. If there is evidence that he betrayed his country, it has yet to be presented,” writes Lake. “None of the many news stories about Flynn’s contacts with Russians and Turks has accused him of being disloyal to his country. And yet a decorated general has already been tried and convicted in the press.”
No wonder two-thirds of Americans see the “mainstream” media as nothing more than a conduit for fake news.
Learn more at NewsFakes.com and MediaFactWatch.com.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: fake news, lies, mainstream media, Michael Flynn, priority, Trump administration